My company is not relieving me even though I'm willing to pay the compensation.
I have joined this company with a bond of 200000 for 2 years. I have completed 1.5 years and now I got another job offer with 5 times my current CTC. The new company requires me to be reported there in 30 days. I put my paper down in my current company and according to HR policy I'm willing to compensate the company with bond amount and salary in lieu but my company rejected it saying not enough resources.
The bond has the following statement "Subject to Clauses 3.6, 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 hereof, either the Employee or the Company may
terminate this Agreement by giving the other Party written notice of at least 90 calendar days
in advance of the Party's intent to terminate the Agreement or by payment of salary in lieu
thereof. On the notice being served on the Company, the Company, at its discretion, may
relieve the employee without completion of the notice period. The Company shall be entitled
to pay salary in lieu of notice to the Employee in the event of termination of the employment
by the company. Due to exigencies of business the Company may, at its sole discretion, reject
the adjustment of salary in lieu of notice and ask you to serve either the entire or part of the
notice period. You shall not be deemed to have been relieved of your services except upon
issuance of a letter by the Company to that effect. Not fulfilling the notice period conditions would mean that the Company may, at its discretion,
initiate legal proceedings against the delinquent employee. In case the Trainee fails to clear the
examination in the successive second attempt, the Company reserves the right to take any such actions
as deemed fit and not limited to the termination of the Trainee from the Services provided by him to
the Company."
Can the compensation sue me if I abscond? I'm willing to pay but they are not accepting it. My job role in the current company is a Trainee. The company is not ready for salary negotiation as well.