Bad Marriage
I belongs a middle class family qualified girl.From the first day of marriage my husband not interested in sexual relationship.We had a arrange marriage.I thought may be circumstances will change after the time.Then after one year of marriage we decided to have a baby.Again after baby sexual realation almost stop.after 3 years of marriage we decided to have a second baby.Now after second baby relationship stop...Now from last 3 years no realationship.Second thing is my MIL.she always use abbusive words for me.My husband is totally Mumma's boy.He share room with his mother in the day time. He share Cupboard,toilet everything with mother.I was just busy with kids.For m ethere is no excitence of husband.My mother treat him like a small baby....My MIL stay with us after my FIL death. I am staying in sexless marriage..We met marriage coucellor 2-3 times but no use.I ma not able to understand what shoul i do.I have responsibilties of 2 kids. One is 2 year old and other one is 5 year old..If i will get the divorce who will get the custody of kids.