What should be done?

I was recruited in a central govt service in 2003. At that time was no RR in this organization. I had minimum required qualification i.e. Bachelor of Science, I was recruited in pay scale [deleted] (GP- Rs.1900/- in 6thCPC) which is matriculate scale and about to complete 20 years of service in 2023. I got three promotional assessments in 2008, 2013, 2018, which is every 5 years. Now the RR is framed, which to be implemented with immediate effect. Qualification is same as it was in 2003, but pay is given which I got after 10 years of service. I do belong to SC community and where the Article 46 of the Constitution of India tells "The State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation", I got the graduate scale after 10 years of service, isn't it injustice & financial exploitation? A new recruitee, as per this RR will get PML-7 of 7CPC, where I get PML- 5 of 7CPC after 10 years of service. What is my fault if the authority didn't frame the RR? Should it be the govt policy to recruit staff in lower scale and after 20 years upgrade scale by framing Recruitment Rules to save public fund? Can't I demand for notional fixation of basic based on this RR? Whom to knock for justice?