Society Maintenance dues

Dear Sir, I have a query regarding Society Maintenance. Our Society consists of 9 floors, 29 flats of which 4 flats are duplex 4 BHKs and some are 3 BHKs and Some are 2 BHKs. In my case it is 2BHK. Here the question is the society is charging equal maintenance i.e to say our total maintenance of all the 29 flats including my flats are Rs,4100 X 29 = Rs,118900/-. Here my question is why we are made to pay equally when our flat area is less as compared to others. The same matter was with the Deputy Registrar in Bandra East. where we have all the orders in our favour but still the society is charging us the above amount per month. As per them the Deputy Registrar have given them in written that the society can charge equally. whereas they don't have any order in their favour from the same authority in whose name they are using to charge equal maintenance to all the flat owners. Even if it is equal maintenance it should be charged i,e Total Maintenance / Total Square feet of all the flats including the total society area sum up to total area. Let say total area of the society is 50000 Sq.Ft including all the flats area plus the Society Premises including Parking Lot. So, if we divide the Total Maintenance by Total Area of the Society that will also become equal maintenance. For Eg; Rs,118900/50000 Sq.Ft = Rs.2.378/- this also becomes equal maintenance. Does this sense better where as in the current case our flat maintenance is Rs.4100/690 Sq,Ft = Rs.5.94/- per Sq.Ft. Where as Duplex Flat Owners are paying lexactly the half i.e less than Rs.3/- per Sq.Ft. Secondly, the Society is Charging Interest on Interest i.e Society is charging more than the Principal amount. Say, the outstanding dues amount is Rs,1,00,000/- but the Total Dues is more than Rs,2,00,000/-. Can the Society charge interest more than principal amount. Dear Seniors/Experts kindly revert on the above. Thanks Read more at: