Elevation scheme consideration

FACTS as per our 2015 recruitment rules and order copy received by us five year service minimum to consider higher qualification up-gradation to ASSISTANT ENGINEER FROM JE. IN 2016, recruitment rules and order copy received by BOILER Attenders grade 2 post was not considered the their higher qualification for their service . in 2021-22 elevation scheme abolished , made provision of those who are eligible and have completed their higher qualification 21-21 year on one time provision application called for elevation ,on last five days of closing application following statements happened in 2022 recruitment rule ,clause of not consideration of higher qualification for boiler attender 2 were abolished by MD without board meeting approval to consider boiler attender (10th class qualification). question :- They have not abolished minimum five year service for JE 2015 to upgrade to AE but they abolished not consideration of higher qualification of boiler attenders without minimum service Is there flaws in the decision of managing directors? should they get board of directors approvals for removing clause of order copy of who are in service for 3 years ? can we(JE) ask justice?