Bank official not accepting defreeze notice by cyber Police department

Hi, I had recieved a payment from my Customer which had 33k As fraudulent amount as per Telangana Cyber crime department. And another 60k from Delhi cyber crime department. I contacted both the police stations, explained the whole incident amd proved my Innocence. Then both Telangana and Delhi cyber department sent defreeze notice to HDFC Bank. The Bank official in charge of handling my case is keeping me in circle and creating problems for me. 1- First he said bank has not recieved any notice to defreeze account. I showed him the proof which the chber police station sent me. 2- Then he told the Telangana officer in charge that I have another case in Delhi So Telangana Cyber department again got my account freezed. 3- He said the notice sent by Delhi cyber department does not mention that they are ordering bank to defreeze my account, so I visited the station and the police officer in charge asked me to get a call arranged with the bank official. On call the bank official said he never told me that the notice does not mention the order to defreeze account to the police officer. It seems like the Bank official is deliberately doing all these things and no matter how many times I ask both Telangana and Delhi cyber department to send notice, which in itself is very hard. He'll keep giving me excuses and keep my money hostage. Both mine and my Customer accounts were freezed but his bank had no problem with any of the notices sent by Police and they accepted it and defreezed his account. Only my Bank is creating problems