Early Release from Bank

Hi, I am currently employed with a bank and have submitted my resignation in written and also intimated the management online in a banks software which was duly accepted by the Branch Head and Regional Head. However, due to some health issues in my family have requested the management for early releive and was ready to buy out the remaining notice period which was denied by the bank. Futher, as I was handling loan portfolio I have received a life threatening from one of the borrower / customer for not sanctioning his loan. I have reported the said incidence to the management and requested them to post to safer and near by branch allowing me to complete the notice period but have not received any response and once again again requested the bank to have a early release but I have not received any reply and again I was completed to serve in the same branch / location. Therefore, I have left the organisation after serving the notice of 60 days and have informed them about my intent and also mentioned in my to collect the dues for the remaining period from my account / dues. My date of releive is 20th Oct but have not received any communication from the management yet. Request you to please guide what further course of action to taken.