Purchased a sex toy from the uk to india

I've ordered a sex toy from the UK and shipped it to India. Once i started to read about toys that could get confiscated, I started to worry about the delivery of the toy. It had been more than a month and I still didn't recieve my order in India, so I asked for a refund and I had got the money back. Now a month after I've recieved the refund and have nothing to do with the order, the recipient in India tells me that they've recieved a notice from the Deputy Commissioner of Customs, Foreign Post Office in Mumbai. Now therefore, the said Importer is hereby required to show caure to Customs, Postal Appraising Section having his / her office at 2nd floor. Visit Officer, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400001 within ten (10) days of receipt of : (a) the said prohibited goods mis-declared and should not be confistated under Section 111(d) of the Customs Act, 1962. (b) Penalty should not be imposed upon the importer under Customs Act, 1962. please tell me how I'm supposed to to proceed with this. i had cancelled the order after knowing it was against the law in india. what would happen if i choose to ignore this notice?