Resignation, Notice Period Buy out
Dear Sir, my Resignation Accepted by my Reporting manager where i have mentioned one month notice served and request to him two months buy out, but my manager request to me serve the notice period of 90 days.
find below two point regarding Notice buy out or Payment in lieu of Notice period as per the company appointment letter.
1."Payment in lieu of Notice period: in case either party wishes to make payment instead of continued employment during the notice period then same call be calculated on daily basis, on the basis of Guaranteed cash component. The payment shall have to be made for the number of days falling short of the notice period."
2. "It is clarify that the company reserves the right to either to accept or to deny, at its sole discretion, the payment in lieu of notice period, if so requested by the employee, both during probation period and confirmation, and may ask the employee to serve the full notice period."
Can my current company re-leave me or not with full and final payment and documents. if not can i join the new company. please guide me.. thanks in advance.