My mother got married recently 4 years back,me and my sister were not supporting the marriage,but eventually after few months we made up and things were fine,my mother and my stepfather came to my house in goa,he came to sell his deceased ex wife's property in Goa, he asked me to help him to sell it and also agreed to help if he helps me and my sister to clear of our loans,he gave me POA to do all the court and paper work,the property was sold and as promised he helped me and my sister clearing our loans that was in 2019 September, now after 3 years he suddenly took off from goa to Mumbai ,blocked everyone ,not answering calls, after one month he sents us notice from the church to annule the marriage,and also he is harrasing by calling and telling our relatives that we have done fraud to him,and took his money also we kept him in the house and didn't give him food etc etc,,,,we have all photos and proofs stating that 3 years he was well,safe and happy, Now we are planning to file a divorce in the court coz it's been a harassment for us for past 3 months, my question is can he claim back the money given to us which was given as a gift as he has promised and what should we do from here on, please advice Sir it would be a great help for us.
Thanking you