Cut-off date for qualifications for Appointment of Assistant Professor by WBCSC
Respected Sir/Madam,
In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I draw your kind attention to the following points:
1. That the last date for submission of Application for the post of Assistant Professor in Government-aided General Degree Colleges against Advt. No. 1/2020 was 15.03.2021, which was extended from 15.02.2021 as per the order of controller of examinations.
2. That in the past, the cut-off date was always fixed as the last date of submission of the Application for the post of Assistant Professor in Government-aided General Degree Colleges.
3. That the cut-off date is fixed on 15.02.2021 by the commission and they do not want to extend to 15.03.2021, which is the last date of submission of application.
I am eagerly looking for your opinions. Can I take any legel steps or the commission has right to fix the cut-off date? What should I do and don't?
And also like to know, in case I have right to challenge them in the court what are the consequences may I face and total expenses?
Thank you.
P.S. How do I consult an advocate personally?