Personal Gurantee
We started a pvt ltd venture with friends as directors with equal shareholding. We took a loan where bank manager gave me white oapee to sign as O had to come back to delhi from chandigarh. I objected but friends sughested that they too would sign . Subesquently , they signed but later i cam to know it was sanction ketter and with Personal gaurantee.
My networth cert is wrong and even mother property is mentioned as mine .
I am asking for the sanction which is not uploaded in ROC but loan agreements on hypothecation and Book debts ( 2 agreements ) signed by us is uploaded.
However in March , I resigned but still have shareholding. Later in Aug " renewal of loan and enhancement happened ' with new director and 2 of my friends . I dont have the earlier sanction letter but got the networth certificate issued then only today but practically i have signed the one white sheet which was later used for sign in alll papers.
1. Question is my PG still valid after my departure as director as loan was performing well.
2. What do i do about networth cert. Do i send a mail to directors of their mischief and replace the networth cert at once. Or will it create problem. For me.
3. 2 freinds are director in another company where i am just a shareholder at incorporation. That business colllopsed diring covid. They diverted fund from my ex director company to their company so this company too now is brink of npa.
4. I have never signed a cheque in any of these two companies or waa involved in day to day operation.
Kindly advise accordingly