My bike has seized by recovery agent and he is riding my bike and damaged it

Due to financial condition i have not paid my 2 wheeler loan so a recovery agent caught me on road tells me that you not paid your loan so i will have to sezied you vehicle and i have surrender it on 26august but on 20september i saw the same agent who sezied my vehicle he is riding my vehicle and he down my vehicle condition and on 22september me and my father caught him and asked why you have riding your vehicle he said your vehicle has been selled and i have purchased it i have not got any confirmation from bank so i takes his photo with my vehicle and send it to the bank email and complaint about the agent After my complaint the laon agencies company sent 4man at my homes and said me to take my compalint back and but i refuse to take my complaint back so they said me we made mistake so for this we will pay your all dues and repair you vehicle said me to take your complaint back and i agreed this scam and take my compalint back form bank After all this when i gone to take my vehicle back and when i saw my vehicle which is damaged the front fairing ,visor,mudgaurd and digital meter was not working it seems like some one has accident on it and the company refuse to repair all damaged and they are totally scam my vehicle is 2years old and after this it seems like it is 8-9 years old please help me to file a complaint against this company and bank