Bike is sold but rc is still in my name

I bought Bajaj discover 125 S T vehicle in Harapanahalli through the Bajaj auto finance. But some reasons I am becoming defaulter of this loan.the vehicle was siezed and sold in auction.When I see R C details of KA17EL1813 vehicle for some reasons the vehicle is still in my name in RTO records. Iam stunned.because this vehicle is already sold due to default of this loan account as your company records. So i immediately gone to davanagere Bajaj finance company for asking this issue, they said me you go to J P Nagar Bangalore Bajaj auto finance office. So I gone to the Bajaj finance company J P Nagar Bangalore and I ask them of this issue please provide me a sales certificate and Delivery note of this vehicle.they didn't given to me. And gave the name and mobile number who bought this vehicle in auction.and J. P. Nagar, bangalore Bajaj finance company staff had a convocation of this issue and said pay 26000 close your account, so I am pay 26000 on 26/08/2021. They didn't give NDC certificate for this loan,and said it will go to the approval to the pune main office and it come after one I left from office of Bajaj finance. So overall Incase of any accident and criminal activity done by this vehicle, i am not responsible, iam not liable.when I call who bought this vehicle he ignore the call What do help me