Harassment by mother in law..

Hello, Its been 9 years, right from the day one of my marriage my mother in law is harassing me. She wants a working daughter in law which I am. She uses abusive language for me and my parents. After the marriage, my husband beats me two times just because I confronted her. She restricted me for using kitchen for cooking my own food...still for the sake of my husband I decided to stay quite as per my parents advice but the things are getting worst. I m cooking food for everyone in the house still She used to talk to her relatives and servant that my daughter in law doesnt work or cook. She bribes some servants and others in helping out to harrase me. Everytime she passes negative comment for my every work. She gets disturbed when me & my husband go for outing or movie. She always talk in arrogant manner always restricting me from using household things. My husband told me that he can't change her mother, I should bear all these because she is his mother and he cant stay away from his parents. I m feeling very helpless and depressed as I m not able to bear any more.. Please help me..... Is there any law against cruelty by mother in law?