Ab initio issue of Succession Certificate
Dear Sir,
The Succession Certificate was applied in 2013 & received in 2014 by the legal heir.The application was filed in the name of Holder 1 who died in 2010 as deceased person.Thru inadvertance the name of the Holder 2 who died in 2011 a year later was not incorporated.Company "A" have rejected the claim for Transmission & has requested the legal heir to incorporate the Holder 2's name as the Holder 2 died after Holder 1, as they state that the Succession certificate is faulty.However,inview of the time lag in the court & the procedure being a cumbersome one is it a viable solution to approach the court to incorporate the name.20 other companies have transmitted the shares in the legal heir's name without any impedement.
I have argued that, since both being my parents have expired the certificate may be accepted.
Alternatively,can the company "A" waive & condone the incorporation of missed names & process the Transmission of Shares based on relevant section or any judgement of any Court.
Pl advice & guide the course of action for necessary reliefs.