No water or electricity arranged by the Builder

When is a Building legally said to be 'complete' for a buyer to accept?... We are 23 desperate purchasers of a residential Building project in Goa that had begun in 2007. The Builder only got the occupancy letter from village Panchayat in 2013. Our Builder passed away the very same time and there is no water or electricity arranged to the building. The Builders Widow (who's is banker by profession) took over the abandoned works of the project and is dumbstruck by the electricity departments demand for an electricity Transformer(costing ?22,00,000/-) to gain power supply to the building project that'll be used for rest of the projects surrounding as well. She doesn't seem keen on arranging our electricity or water that requires her to collect our financial contributions towards setting up the Transformer. My question is... Is the builder legally responsible to arrange for basic utilities like water and electricity? Can the builder(in my case, Builders widow) be taken to court for negligence ?