More than one Plot in Cooperative Housing Society
I have 2 plots in a cooperative housing society, these plots are given on lease for 999 years, below is the ownership pattern,
1) Plot A, I am 1st owner with 50% share and my father is the 2nd owner with 50% share. The society consider me as the main member and my faster is considered as an associate member.
2) Plot B, My father is the 1st owner with 50% share and I am the 2nd owner with 50% share. The society consider my father as the main member and myself as an associate member.
Now, my father wants to do a gift deed of his 50% part of plot B to me but the society is not agreeing to it as they say that according to the society rules, I cannot be the 1st member in more than 1 plot.
They have suggested me the following route.
1) I and my father swap the ownership in Plot A, so that my father becomes the first owner and I become the second owner in plot A.
2) My father do a gift deed to me for Plot B so that I become the 100% owner and main member in plot B
Both of these agreements should be registered and according to the society there should be no stamp duty on any of the above agreements.
I wanted to know if the swap of names in the same sale deed is allowed? If yes, then how should I proceed?
Also, Is there any other way and is society's claim that a member cannot have a two plots valid? Can't I have two plots with voting right only in one plot?