*A direct recruitment exam: 105 vacancy-two kinds of job:
1)Section officer grade I: 60 vacancies(UR-33;obc-9;sc-1;st-17)
2)Section officer grade II:45 vacancies(UR-20;obc-7;sc-1;st17)
*cut-off,in the notification itself:
general studies+english(MCQ): 40%(irrespective of category)-not included in the final merit list
technical written: UR- 35%; OBC-30%; SC/ST-25%
*NB: it was specifically mention that "the final merit list would be based on the total of the written and interview marks.
*70 qualified in the written exam & interview was done.
*but only 55 was recommended in the final list
*15 left out candidates enquired about it
*the recruitment board ans:"41 reached the UR marks in written exam, but grade-I UR=33 seats->hence remaining 8->7=obc grade I & 1=UR grade II; 2=obc grade I
5=obc grade II;5=st grade I;1=sc grade 1;1=sc grade II
*we conplain that since the cut-off mark is prescribed before the exam, this exam can't be considered similar to normal competitive exams.
*hence we request them to allot the seat according to the final merit list
*please advise us in this matter
we don't think this is fair