Propery dispute
Respected Sir/Mam
my parents living on purchased by sale of agreement land by constructing home from last 25 years (1994)in Nagpur, Maharashtra. after 20 years (2014) previous land owner file suite in court against us for rent & eviction of land and home.
Now the case is in district court.
Before 25 years when we purchased land my mom taken in writing on 10 rs stamp paper in 1994 (by sale of agreement/purchase agreement) in 1994 and in 1996 we taken in writing for to transfer of electricity bill in our name on 10 rs stamp paper in 1996.
But because of financial reason as my was labouring for 300 and 700 rs per month so its difficult for us to make registry in our name. so sale deed was not made till 2014.
in 2014 we approached for to make sale deed he denied and send adv letter for rent & eviction of land and home.
Now the previous land owner saying this was not his sign on purchased agreement , he did wrong signature on it. after 2 years signed electricity transfer agreement on 10 rs stamp paper he had his own correct sign.
now he is saying that he constructed the building and we were living on said property on rent since 1994 and from 2005 we did not pay rent so he file case against us.
we dont have any Rent agreement with the previous owner. We have possession since 1994 means 25 years, Electricity bill on our name, we are paying water, electricity, land taxes Municipal Corporation and we have all the receipts in original and allotments letter in original.
Lower Divisional bench case was against us because our Lawyer was not available for hearing because of his medical issues and he didn’t inform us to attend the hearing.
Said property came under MHADA (Maharashtra Housing).
Section 53 in The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
is Transfer for property act 1882 section 53a will be useful. as 53 f said , we was not in contact with the previous owner since 1996.
sale deed not done because of my mother raised me with 2 brothers and she also not financially stable with income of 700 rs per months and responsibility of 3 child education, whole day job and she is not much literate (10th fail) and other things.
because of this can we get any relief from the subsection of tp act 1882 section 53a mentioned ;-
Willingness or some act of part-performance done in furtherance of the contract ( for defence we did agreement for transfer of electricity in 1996 after 2 years of sale agreement) is it correct or need something more.
Under s. 53A there is no period of limitation ...?
we have witness/Thekedar (who constructed) for construction of building on above said property of 500sq feet and neighbours.
..... if we are living at place for more than 12 years without any objection , can the case will be in our favour ?
Under s. 53A there is no period of limitation
please refer some judgements of court similar to our case which is in our favour.