Fee refund from private coaching
I get admission in an IIT coaching Institute on 22 June 2019. On the time of admission they asked for lumsump fee payment for a year. I paid. Then after it they give me their module kit which was defective so I returned it on the the next day. After going 2 days I understood that I am unable to understand a single word of their teaching because their teaching methods was so poor as the teachers covers a topic very hurriedly and even they not make sure that students was understanding or not. Moreover the batches started there 10 days early from my admission but they told us that they will give me backup class but they don't, in these way I found the teaching very unsatisfied. So I decided to learn by myself and self study as I believed that I can perform better from self study rather than these institutions.
So I asked them for fee refund. Firstly they denied. But later they agreed to refund 60% fees and deduct 40% fee for two day in coaching. So they said that they will think about 60% fee refund after a month.
So sir, am I able to get 100%or95% fee refund from them because I have attended their class for only 2 days and also returned their modules and kit as they are defective. Please answer me sir