Inadvertent errors in filling detailed application form for upsc

I have been recommended in the final merit list of upsc civil services exam 2018. With my rank, I will get my preferred service under obc category. However, recently I noticed two errors in my application form which was filled before the mains examination. These are- 1. I have entered the annual income of my father and mother both as 0 which appears to be a computer error. In the attached obc annexure to the form, I have entered the incomes correctly however. I have also submitted the income tax returns. 2. I was not aware at the time of filling the form that my mother does have a pan card. So I have answered to the question, if my mother has a pan card in negative. However, since my mother does not have any taxable income, it doesn't cause any significant difference. My name is not in provisional list of candidates (this is a list of candidates whose candidature is provisional due to various issues like certificate, medical etc). Also, I have received no communication from upsc or dopt regarding the above issues. Also, I am in non creamy layer by all criteria. Should I inform at this juncture about the above mistakes to upsc and dopt? can it affect my candidature in any way?