Certificate case of my education loan
I have borrow Eduaction loan form my daughter for doing Btech . She was not able to get any placement thus was not able to Pay the EMI s . Thus Central bank has Filled a Certificate Case againts me and my Daughter. After speaking to the manager the agrred to settle down the loan by Paying Rs 200000 . I have given them 100000 rs and next 100000 was to be paid in installment of rs 10000 but i failed to do so after 4 month but i started paying 5000 per month and now after a year when i checked the loan amount is 115000 that need to be paid of .
My questions are.
1. Where is the money which i have paid to settle down my loan
2. Inspite of paying them the Emi every month i have to go to the Court for hearing on my date. Why the bank is doing so ?
3. I have kept a security of my LIC there which value around 500000 but they are refusing to give me back my LIC Unless i pay down there money?
4. My loan amount left is 115000 but bank manager is saying me to pay extra 25000 rupees for the amount spent on the lawers and all?why i should pay that? Bank has done the case he sahould pay his lawyer as i am paying my lawuer every month from last 1.5 year for this loan?
Please suggest me way how to deal with the manager as she is treating me that she will issue unbailable warrant if i dont deposit 115000 plus 25000 extra cash in the bank.