Fake mutation of Vastu land
My property is stand held in the name of four brothers including myself, out of which two bothers have died long ago and their widows are living away. Their only daughter (one each) are also married. I am the younger brother..
At present my survived elder brother and his wife (no child) is residing in the above land. along with one of my unmarried sister in whose custody the original property document (Dalil) is being kept hidden.
Recently by searching govt website I find that my name has been deleted from the mutation document and the name of my survive elder brother alongwith two deceased brothers were reflected therein which is being carried out fradulantly.
At this juncture I have no document apart from the Internet printed out mutation form obtained from WB Govt website (wherein my name has been deleted)to produce before the judiciary..
Hence advise me how to proceed further since it is herculian task to grab oiginal copy of property document from my sister and oblige.