Owner not willing to have new tenant before month end
I am residing in a 1 BHK house since January 2014. I was searching for a new house in a different area and have found the same. But, it has only been post 1st of the month. Now, I want to vacate the house by 10th and am asking the owner to either look for a new tenant or let me find someone who can replace me as soon as possible so that the rent is not affected. I am ready to pay the rent till the new tenant does not join. I am expecting someone to start from 15th.
However, my owner is adamant on having a new tenant only from 1st and demands me to pay full month rent even though I am willing to find him a replacement without affecting his total rent of the month.
There was a clause of giving 1 month advance notice which i did not give. However, I am willing to find him a replacement as soon as possible and pay him the rent till that date. Does the owner has the legal right to start rental only from 1st of the month? (no mention of this in the rental agreement). Need help urgently on this.