How far HUF Property sold by Karta is valid and unchallengeable in future by minors ?

Respected Experts, I am to buy a Commercial property owned by HUF offered by Karta of HUF. Below are few details’ of same. 1. Karta is 80+ old man willing to sign and execute all documents. 2. HUF consist of originally 5 members ( Karta, His wife, one late unmarried son ( Expired 10 years ago ), two married daughters ). 3. Out of 2 married daughters on has 2 children minor and the other one has two major children. Now what all precautions should I take before buying this property. a. Do I need consent from all the surviving members of the HUF or simply KARTA can sign the sale deed and appear for registration. b. Do I need and documents done from Karta for his late son and deleting his name from HUF ( eg. Letter of administration from court or.. c. The married daughter has any right in the HUF property ? d. The married daughter’s husband and children has any rights in the HUF property ? e. What documentations can be done for the minor member of HUF for their consent ? f. In case of Consent is not obtained by Karta But an application made in City Civil court and asking for approval to sell to any prospective buyer or it’s nominee at X amount or market price and thus if he able to get order from the court. But in such scenario what are the appropriate steps to be taken for the lateson related issues. g. Any other process of buying above mentioned HUF property Kind request to throw some light, Thanking you all in advance for your valuable time and knowledge.