Rights of office bearers before registration

Hi, Our community has multiple blocks. We have just elected executive committee members and forming bye laws to register the association. Meanwhile in our block the water is very hard so we (all owners of the block) pooled money to install a water softener in the overhead tank through the builder and we have installed. It doesn't require any maintenance and doesn't use power as well. Builder is maintaining the property as of now. The office bearers conducted an EGM to get a go ahead on the bye laws being formed and they had voting to seek decision making power for all common amenities. The office bearers (from other blocks) are now forcing us to remove the unit and they want us to wait for them to decide on the technology to be used. We have informed that we will continue to use the unit and when they decide and implement a technology for the community once the association is formed we will contribute our share for that and adopt the same. Is our stand legally correct? Does the elected office bearers have the rights to force decisions sighting the EGM decision to give them the rights of decision making? Do they have powers like these even before the association registration?