Buying a granted land in Karnataka

I am trying to buy a land in Bengaluru and found from the documents that this was a granted land based on one of the documents titled Hangami Saguvali Cheeti. The grant document I have doesn't cite any conditions for resale and the grant is done in 1942 and the conditions put forth are 1. Some discounts on taxes till 5 years 2. First year itself they should cultivate something 3. Post 5 years they can retain the land for themselves by paying 4. Can't be sold before completion of 5 years 5. Few others illegible but my understanding is they can't destruct any structures already present, to pay some money (utilities or something else) and if above rules are violated land can be taken aback. No where it states this has been given to SC/ST (partishishta jaati/pangada) should I be worried? Post this the land has been sold in 1967 (post 25 years), 2007 and 2014. I am currently purchasing from the person who has bought in 2014. Latest mutation extract copy provided by the current owner states below items 1. Mutation form 12 has been published in village 2. Mutation form 21 has been issued to interested parties 3. There have been no objections filed in given time 4. There have been no stay orders from court in given time 5. This land does not belong to SC/ST 6. No violation of land grants or others (bhu manjurati) 7. No violation of land improvements (bhu sudharane) I have checked in online RTC states the correct owner, EC's are accurate. Based on this available information is it good to proceed for further legal opinion to make purchase?