Case for rights of tenancy pending for decree in Ld court. Is eviction possible by land lord?
I am a tenant in a flat since September 2010. In August 2011,landlord didn't provide me with new agreement and rent receipts of past 11 months. Later he promised to provide both in December 2011. He provided the rent receipt in 1 single Receipt Voucher but again didn't provide me with a new agreement. Suddenly in January 2012,sent me a sms in mobile to vacate the flat in 15 days. I pleaded several times, went on giving rent, but filed a suit for stay order. After going through my appeal, Ld Judge issued Status Quo. He or his lawyers never attended the court for several dates, suddenly in March 2013, he forcefully disconnected the temporary electric connection (He never had WBSEDCL Meter) and with local party cadres harassed me and also beaten me. Filed GD/FIR in local PS. Attached the documents with another appeal to the Court. In September 2013,he filed a suit in another court stating I'm trespassing in the property. As rents were paid in his wife's account, I proved in court I've been paying rent. The case went on. My case is also pending for decree. He stopped taking rent from 2014. I had to get electric connection from sub meters of the flat association, as he never issue NOC. At present, I've my own meter from wbsedcl. My Aadhar CARD, BANK Passbook and pan card in this address. Now he has filed a suit in February 2019,where court wants me to showcause, in what way I am a tenant.
Please guide me, what are my options.