Legal Notice - 79A and 79B Bangalroe
Hi, I have received a notice under section 79A and 79B of 1961 agricultural act. My concern or questions are.
I had purchased a agricultural land in 2015 and i got the katha to my name in the same year but now i have been asked to produce the following. So please help me how to proceed further.
1. Income tax return for 5 years.
I have IT returns but it's more than 2 lakh Per Year. I heard that the limit is now extended to 25 lakh not sure from this is applicable. Should i show this or not? Will i disqualify if my income is more than 2 lakh?
2. We are agriculturist but i dont have any proof to show like paani or any land documents from my father's family . But i have the documents from my mother's father(Grandfatehr - Properties in the name of my grandfatehr and his son(My uncles)), But all those property except one are currently in my uncle's name and i have release deed where my uncles have forcefully got signed by my mother stating she was utilizing the land all these days and she is now releasing to my uncles without any monetary benefits.
Can i submit the paani of my uncle and the release deed as a proof to show i am from a agriculturist family ? before my uncles it's in my grandfathers name.
3. Family Income.
i dont have any document to show the proof except mine. what reason should i give for not submitting the family income. Is this Mandatory.
4. Can i collect all the document and submit or should i submit through lawyer .