Non-payment of buidling society common maintenance charges
One flat owner in our building society in Hyderabad undertook extensive upgrade activity including replacing the marble flooring. This work extended to more than an year and noise during the works was a major disturbance especially in the flat below it. There was also water seepage issues in the flat below due to the works in the flat above. The flat owner below, even entered into a physical brawl with the workers in the flat above and also lodged a police complaint. The owner of the flat below, stopped paying maintenance since more than an year citing no support from the society for the issues in his flat. In a society meeting it was decided that the onwer of flat above, would pay a reasonable compensation for the damages in the flat below or get the necessary repair works done at his cost. The flat owner of the lower floor flat is not happy with the compensation amount offered by the owner of the flat above and the issue is lingering on. Taking a cue from this some other flat owners have stopped paying the maintenance, asking the society to take action on the defaulters first. How to resolve this entire issue. My email address is [deleted]