Kindly give value help to evict
Dear Sir,
I have purchased house(30ftX10ft) form Mr.ABC on 2016. Mr.ABC has purchased form 1st party( late Mr.Narappa ) on 2007 .
This property was given by govt under Ashraya yojana karnataka 1992 to late Mr.Narasapa .
Mr.Narasapa is SC caste and having 3 children ,1son(Venkatesh) 2 daughter's (Shoba and Ramakka).all are married ...
After Mr.Naraspa died , this property was sold to Mr. Abc by Mr.Narasapa chirdren ,All three of them came to sub-register office and register this site to Mr.Abc legally .
On 2016 after purchasing this property i was renovating this house . in that time Ramakka(last child) of late Mr.Narsapa came to my purchased house along with Ambedkar DSS members to stop that renovation work and telling that this house is mine .
DSS people thrown all my value items created big hangamma in that place and they given Atrocity complaint to me and Mr.Abc . and kept Ambedkar photo in that house.
In that time Me and My family and Mr.Abc and family all are arrested with ACP police station , In that time Ramakka and his husband occupied my purchased they are haply stating in that house, we takken a bale and now atrocity case is running from last 3year still my they Ramakka is in that house .
They changed KEB current meter name also. i went to BESCOM office to ask how did changed meter name from my name to other name with out any proof and owner signature ,JOC told that DSS sanga came and created big hungamma told this site is in case so you have to change to 1st party name so she changed to 1st party name with our permission.
Kindly give value help/suggest to evict Ramakka from my purchased house
This site is register in my name, i am having katta in my name and also upto date tax paid receipt