How to get my land resurveyed if there is a boundary disputebetween neigborhood
I have 1.75 acres of square land. There is a conflict with the boundaries shared with neighborhood at all 3 sides. 4th side is road. Also,this is the existing scenario similar to the legal documents i have. But the village officer says according to their survey document my plot doesnt have road side and the plot area is marked in middle surrounding all other 3 parties plots. Similar problems are faced by other 3 parties also. As a solution Tahasildhar told if all parties mutually agree we would help with a resurvey. But one party shows objection saying there is a boundary dispute, so Tahasildhar rejects resurvey without mutual all party consent. I spoke to the party who objected but they are demanding me to bare all the expenses of these 3 parties regarding the resurvey process and documentations. 80cent of this objecting party also faces similar issue of boundary mismatch compared to documents present in village. They are asking I should also meet those expense. So, hearing them Tahasildhar ordered this dispute need to be solved at coury level, they can not survey my plot as tgey have given a written objection for boundary dispute. If I go to the court, if still this party objects like this will my documents get corrected through resurvey? My need is either i need a proper documentation as per the same land boundary held my me presently for the past 35 years or I need boundary restructered as per village office documents. I am not able to sell my land because of this. Please help.