Delay in Possession- Affordable Housing- builder License expired
We are a group of buyers in an affordable housing project in Gurgaon.
Expected delivery date including grace period of 6 months would have been Nov'16 but till date we have not got possession. builder has taken 95% money under construction linked plan from most of us whereas the completion is not upto 95% and now he has stopped working on project.
In addition to registered value, builder has charged approx 10 lacs from each buyer as premium amount without any receipt.
Builder's license has also expired and he is not getting it renewed.
- please advise what all possible legal action can be taken by us.
- which option - RERA or consumer court is better option in terms of compensation amount/ swiftness and possession.
- for filing a case with Consumer court do we need to make an association or can we file to NCDRC just as an informal group?
- How much does Consumer court lawyer charge for such cases and in case of Builder guilty of offence, would this cost be chargeable to builder.
- At what interest rate court penalize builder for delay and what all costs can be covered in compensation claim- rent/ opportunity cost of interest income / interest for delayed period etc
From where can be get a collected data of judgement on such similar cases.
Please advise. in case there is any well known lawyer dealing in such cases, please share the name / contact no. .