My lender does not accept to receive my full loan amount before due.
A Money lending organization is providing loan of around 36000 rupees per head to small group of women containing 15 members. Out of 15 members one member has to be a leader and the loan amount has to be paid is 1880 rupees per month per head for 24 months. My wife is a leader in of their women group. We got loan 5 months back and till date the due has been paid on time. Now we have a better business opportunity in different city which is foraway nearly 1500 kilometers from current loan borrowed city. Since we want to shift to new city, we have conveyed to the lender to pay back my wife's loan of 36000 rupees with interest. He doesn't agree to receive my wife's loan in full amount alone. Instead he insist to payback whole group borrowed amount of 6 lakhs. But other members of group not ready to payback their loan in full amount. But If I stay further nineteen months in current city, I will loose the business opportunity and my current finance position will not allow me to survive. What is the legal advice to proceed further?