Parking Allotment

I have purchased a flat in Pune. I have received one car parking by default. All flat owners have received one car parking by default. In the agreement it's been mentioned by builder that he will have exclusive rights for allotment of parking spaces. He's clearly mentioned that all flats will be getting at least 1 parking slot alloted. He's also mentioned that he will NOT be setting aside any parking space for two wheelers. There are some parkings which he calls dependant parking. Which means there are two parking spaces one behind the other. The front side of the front parking faces the wall so no one can use it as 1 unit since the car parked behind will fully obstruct the entry or exit of the front car. Therefore, both of these slots are alloted to me. I paid him for the additional front parking slot. He's given me a parking allotment letter stating that both the parkings one behind the other alloted to me. The society is not yet handed over to us. It's still under his control. Once the society is handed over, can the future management committee by way of incorporating bylaws deny me the additional parking slot inspite of allotment letter from builder and convert it into a two wheeler parking place (the plan does not have any mention of two wheeler parking slot)?