SPA for rectification Deed

I have recently purchased a house in Hyderabad and the registration is done by the registered GPA holder.However, we identified that the picture of the house in the registration document is wrong and there is a small typo in the name of the GPA holder.All the boundaries and area are correct.Only the picture is wrong.We thought of getting it rectification through rectification deed.However, sub registrar is asking us to pay the complete stamp duty again to rectify this. Please advise on the below. 1) Do we need to pay complete stamp duty to rectify these errors? 2) GPA stays in Rajasthan and he is very old and cannot comedown.So we thought of getting the SPA from the owner who is staying in US.If the owner has to give SPA , does a notary would suffice or does it need to be Appostiled and attested by India Consulate as well? 3) Document writer says that we need to send the details on Bond paper to the person in USA and that person should execute on each page and get it notarized and should send back to Hyderabad.Then the doc needs to be validated by District registrar and this validation is equal to registration. 4) And what wonders me is that the validated doc by District registrar will be in the sub registrar office only for their records and we will not be given the original.We will get only the xerox copies. Can someone pls confirm if this is the correct process and legally valid?