Illegal bounndrywall construction
I am midhun from Kerala.
2011 I started my new home construction 5cent with permit for 5cent.
.building done by full contractor and engineer.
nieghbour have 1 cent property.when I started construct.he also started with corporation plan shows 2.5 cent permit.but actual area he have 1cent.
He started illegal and construct with my boundary I complained to cooperation they gave stop memo to him.he also complaint about my construction because as rule keep distance with boundary wall need 100 cm my engineer done 90cm
So claim about that after he suit a case about my this construction. After 4 years I submitted second regularized plan then I got order from Regional Town Planner (RTP) TC and sanction to do and complete my construction. Neighbour (A)
myself (B) . A findout fake case like B have fake TC for cancellation
Illegally RTP issue the TC.then I against this case to LSGD and get stay order about TC cancellation
He is viloteted all the Indian rules
He is no bother about the rules
Now he want boundary wall due to this construction is also one of issue we are facing with this