My brothers own all of by father's property after his death
Hi my father died in March 2013,I have two brothers, at that time both were mature enough to handle family business and my father's property .my age was that time 15
Years and I was asked to continue my study.My elder brother has one son and 2 daughters but age Gap b/w them and me are very elder brother has 2 son and one daughter,but he married after the death of father.the property and grown up with time .
Eldest brother educated all his 3 child with the property,He spent toatl only 5 lakhs in my study but he spent more than 30 lakhs over all in his daughter's marriage and education,they also bought property of more than 60 lakhs from family business,but property named to their wives.
Now they are not agree to share the property with me,even the property which is named to parents ,they are not giving fare share to me.
I have also given major time in business along with studay.So please suggest.I mother and all the people of my society is with me to have the fair partition but my brothers are not agree.
The only thing regist me to Lodge complain in police station is the large age Gap b/w me and my brother.
Please suggest me.