Property disputes among brother & sisters
1. My father had constructed a house in which we stayed for more than 25 years.
2. Around seven years back My father got map sanctioned for first floor construction.
3. In the year 2015 , I started it and paid for the construction. Due to financial constraints it got stopped. I have documentary evidence of paying the contractor out of my accounts.
4. He has also paid for map revision after this construction.
5. My father has expired in 2016. First floor construction not completed due to financial constraints.
6. In his will he has not made any mention of the first floor construction paid by me.
He has written for equal distribution of property among all four of us.
7. I am ready for equal distribution of property among 4 only after I get my expenses for the first floor construction from other three.
8. Other three not willing to pay for my expenses saying that they have not been consulted when construction started.
9. Please guide me on two aspects.
Firstly - Is my demand for my expenditure legally correct.
Secondly - What is the way out?
Thanks a lot
With warm regards.
BP Hatwal