Unfair colony fund collecting and harrasment by my neighbors
I live in a small colony with around 10 to 12 homes in it. I am not financially very well off like the rest of my neighbors.I don't know if legal bodies or development authorities of my city (Agra) provide development support for my colony, so what my neighbors have done is that they collect funds themselves like security guard fees and sewer drainage system maintenance, road maintenance etc. from the rest of the members of the colony like me. I don't give them my share. I think they cheat and ask more money than what is actually required. I don't have any problem giving them the fund, but when I ask for bills and receipts for any service work done or any building materials purchased for maintenance work of the colony, they deny, and instead threaten me, and once they even started physically attacking me for not giving them my share. And my neighbor has even drawn out his AC's overflow drain pipe within my boundary, and have started bursting my car headlights and puncturing my car tyres. What can I do about it?