Compensation of land

Sir,I am having a land in Aurangabad,Maharashtra which I purchased in 2002 Area 5 acre 8 gunthas which was a govt land gifted for military person but when i purchase the person gave the 7/12 extract as khalsa and registry was done with this 7/12. As the land came in warg 2 (cannot be sold without the permission of collector) our name did not come on 7/12 extract so the family took advantage of that and did partition of property in court and his son got his name on 7/12 extract as per court order but they misleaded the court as his father has already sold the property to me by registered sale deed 8 years back,the person who sold me the property died so we made his son party and filed a case but he dident appear and the matter got DID and we got the decree in our favour than he appealed and the decree was set aside and sent back to lower court to decide on merit basis it took long to come on board we were not aware and that matter got DID we have appealed for restoration and the matter is in progress. We had put the matter in front of SMS to remove his name from 7/12 extract but he rejected our request and we appealed to Deputy collector where the order came in our favour and the deputy collector directed to remove his name from 7/12 extract , He appealed to additional commissioner but there also the matter was dismissed. Now as the part of land is going in land acquisition for highway the amount of compensation came in his name as it is in 7/12 extract I took objection and hearing was done and all documents were submitted and explained by my advocate order is yet to come. What remedy I should take in court to stop the payment to be made to him. Please help