My wife harassed my mother through elders for money when case was in court
Hi Sir!
I am a daily follower of Kanon site, thanks for giving the information on latest court updates as well.
Now let me tell my story from first
My name is Kumar from hyderabad, got married with my wife in the year 2013.
They are poor and not able to pay the expenses for marriage also.
My mother only beard all the marriage expenses and have proofs as well.
After marriage cohabitation not happened and later she went out for study purpose.
Tried to meet her but not at all ready to accept me, even their elders also supported them only, is it a mistake if wife and husband stay in a lodge?
Later she conveyed that she is not ready to live with me.
Decised to partways through divorce, elders took us to court and they made us to sign on the normal notary with all the things or stridan had to be given back.
Done the same, and went to Delhi for job purpose, when I was in Delhi, her elders started to have a word with my mother saying again my wife wants to come back, I did not accepted at all, but they said happened is happened she realized her mistake.
I also thought that lets start a new life instead of second marriage, then for 10 days I was in my home and later we flew to Delhi, used to come in the evening, no proper communication with me, started to harass me saying wants to move back to hyderabad, I also thought let's move instead of staying at Delhi which is an expensive place.
Luckily got transferred to hyderabad project.
Took a room at hyderabad and started living over there.
Used to go at 2 am and return at 2 or 3 pm, used to talk with unknown persons and no communication from her end.
When ever I say speak with your mother in law, then she need to speak for 1 or 2 minutes.
Days are getting passed and my mother came to see us, she behaved like a psycho and started to abuse my mother.
On the next day my mother went out with tears on her eyes.
After some days we have decided again to have a word with family members as she is not accepting me as her husband.
Panchayat held before elders and made the final alimony of 3.5 Lakhs even though not given single rupee.
Still we decided to give and on the next day I went to meet my advocate to go for a mutual concern, their elders said she is on the way she will also sign.
In the mean time days passed, without informing she went and filed false 498a case on my entire family and police first tried to exploit us to give 8 lakhs, else FIR will be registered.
I said I will not give, then they filed FIR on my family.
When it's in process, but divorce case also moved to court and it went in to a contested one.
Used to roam my hometown for divorce and then 498a case on us.
Then I arranged a lawyer for 498a case and what ever her allegations are there, we have proved them wrong.
Now recently when divorce is in court through police help and mahila Mandal help, she frightened my mother to attack on my house and mother.
Now police saying to go for notary with in a week..