Can supplementary affidavit be used as a shortcut to an amendment application.

Hi! I am fighting a case party in person kindly suggest for the situation below Question 1. I have filed an election petition where to modify the plaint submitted an amendment application at the stage when the case was admitted, but notice was not issued, the amendment application was allowed finally I submitted the print copy of modified plaint and which the magistrate sent alongwith the summons form to the respondent. Now I find as has been pointed out by the respondent that their are few words as well as few lines in the modified plaint submitted beyond the permission granted in the amendment. Hence those words as well as lines need to be retracted / removed from the modified plaint. So to achieve these minor corrections is only submission of an application under order 17 rule 6 a remedy or can I submit a supplementary affidavit and under it declare that those few lines or few words need not be considered during the course of case. Supplementary affidavit is preferred as respondent would unnecassarily delay the case. Would it be necessary to mention under section 151 or some other relevant section in the supplementary affidavit ? Question 2 Example In my application for amendment my intention was to add the story of ramayana, so I prayed that after para 3 "the story of ramayana be inserted" the same was allowed. after this I inserted the 1000 pages of ramayana, which was accepted by the court and sent alongwith the summons form, now respondent has arrived and at time of injunction, has attempted to point defect in plaint saying that only the words the story of ramayana was to ber inserted wheras I have inserted the 1000 pages of ramayana. as the magistrate had changed after the amendment hence this becomes a matter beyond the jurisdiction of the court, still if I have to defend this part how do I? Kindly advice!