Can a apartment condominium and housing society co-exists in same building?
We have 38 flats in our building. Builder has done Apartment Deed for all flat owners. Later member of apartment registered a "apartment condominium ". After that owner has initiated society formation procedure. Out of 38, 33 members has consent for Society formation. Society has been registered in Maharashtra. Due to personal interests, 5 people have opted out and resigned from Society membership and continued old "apartment condominium ", which was not dissolved.
Now these 5 people are saying Society is illegal and apartment condominium is legal. They also allotted parking for them-self. They are not contributing to building maintenance also.
1. Is Society illegal? Our Apartment Deed is not cancelled yet?
2.Can association (5 members) and society (33 members) co-exits in same building of 38 flats?
3. The five member has not included us in any of the decision including parking allotment. Are these allotment or decision made by Association legal? Association is not contributing or maintaining building. Society is doing that.
4. If those 5 members are not willing to maintain building or include us in decision, what option do we have?