Neighbour issues
I am residing at first floor and the second floor has recently been purchased by a new owner and he is carrying out full fledged alterations and erecting new walls and construction and modifying the look of the floor completely. All the flooring has been removed and all the washrooms have been removed. Infact he is also developing 2 new washrooms in addition to renovating of the earlier one's. Due to all this my roof beneath has been damaged completely and cracks have been developed. Also seepage has come on my roof and my all my paint has been destroyed. I had carried out whitewash last month only. All day long there is lot of noise pollution and vibrations because the labourers are whole day long banging the hammers breaking the walls, wooden frames(chokhats) which has made my life miserable and I cannot rest in my own house. Due to the banging of the hammers my roof keeps on vibrating and is damaged as cracks have been developing each and every day. What legal remedy do I have for this entire nuisance that has been created by my new neighbour that has made my life miserable.