Termination of rental agreement and provide eviction notice to tenat
Background: My tenants (whole sale pharmacy shop) with me 09 years in my property, entered with a rental agreement one of the condition of that agreement is rent will increase 10% each end of 4 years tenure and according to that we have renewed agreement last two times upon end of 4 years period (not registered agreement) and I have received rent (Rent paying per month INR-440) and gave them rent receipt.
Now, since 16-may-2018 he is neither agrees to neither sign the new agreement nor will to leave the property ,other way also he is sending the increased rent to my representative through Money Order, without any notification. Any way I have received the rent.
At Present Issues: I have send notice with explanation how he has entranced the property & now without signing the agreement they are staying as a trespass& and some IPC law will applicable against him and they need to evacuate the property.
Tenants Counter noticed to me that they send enhance rent according to agreement upon expiry of 4 years and the agreement is still valid there is no clause to renew the agreement after end of 4 years and they are aware of the Law.
Amicably I try to solve it but no output from my Tenants
What I am desire now:
1. I am looking to terminate the agreement as point of that the rent term has been expired according to rental agreement and their as agreed counter notice , where the reason is Bona fide necessary – own business set up as per applicable Laws. I do not have any government job or any other property.
2. Then I have to serve them Eviction Notice to vacate the property within reasonable time period.
3. If the situation goes adverse I will like to file Evection Suit according to Law.
What I will desire from my lawyer:
1. My Lawyer will heartily interest to deal with the issues and find out the merits and demerits of my planning.
2. My lawyer to have such previous experiences to handle eviction suit cases.
3. My Lawyer to be interested to do work in my jurisdiction if the situation is adverse.
4. The fees for Lawyer to be finalised with jointly agreed.
5. All the documents will retained with me and my lawyer always.
Place: Arambagh- Hooghly- West- Bengal. Email: [deleted]
Whatsapp: [deleted]
All the above information’s are correct and honest and I do hope any experienced Lawyer will consider my case and help me to sort-out the issues.
Request: Only experienced and interest Lawyer may come into contact with me for further process and progresses.