Ancestral property

My father recently expired ([deleted]). Before die he did partition among family members in dec-2016 on Ancestral property. 1st is my father name about 5.75 karra, 2nd on his sun name about 5 yakara and 3rd is his daughter name about 3.5 yakara. His daugher got married (my self) in jan-2014. My father-in-law mad a will on his sun, sun's name (Dec-2017) on his property which came in family petition (7 months before he die). He has lot of liabilities where he signed on bond papers. Hear my questions are. 1) is i am charge bill on my father liabilities (liabilities post my Marge) 2) the liability people can log a civil on my property which i got from partition. (My fother did liabilities before portion and after portion also). 3) we never signed anywhere and I have not taken single pen post my fater die. As s daughter i worring that, the liablity peoples are trying to processed largely on all family members including me. Your suggestion will help me to take next step. Thanks you so you for your quran responesbuil.