Property Issue
Father, Grandfather to my father because my grandfather was alcoholic and had been done second marriage and that marriage child was still resident other house, without interference with our house. In will of my Grandfather clear mentioned my father will be bound to marriage of his little sister. No sister and step brother will interfere in future for this property they have written in will.
My father also has done two marriages my mother is Elder wife of my father and having five daughter and i am only son.(Total six child). My step mother second wife of my father having two Sons.
My all sisters got marriage. We were lived in joint family with step mother but they don’t like me due to lot of fighting my elder sister taken with her and i completed my education outside, i left my home after 18 years of age. Now i am running 46 years of age. My mother was also live in same house and my fathers never taken her responsibility she cooks own food and sleep alone since our child hood. I bare her responsibility since several years. I have prepared my own rooms in same house, let bath and kitchen also. Where my mother lives in one room and kitchen and other part of own prepared rooms given on rent, which rent was taken by my father and only half of rent was provided to my mother.
We have civil suit case in under Act 7R1, 2 for partition suit and Civil Miscellaneous Against my father. Case file by my mother name for her right with six children, Because she is legal wife of my father and my father given to court this is my own earning property my grandfather has given me only land and two room . All build up rooms and shops on my grandfather land. My father has not submitted any proof of land purchasing. Only Grandfather Will submitted.
He forces to give this property to only two step brother not me and my mother and my sister also. And asking to court to close this case. Please let us know what I will do for that. Neither they are ready to for compromise nor ready to give our part. They are also saying if they come near the house we will cut them although we will go in jail.
My father says to court, he has not done legal marriage with my step mother but he is living with her in Live in relationship. Other hand he told to criminal court where we file case in ACT 494, He is accepting my mother is his elder wife but my step mother also his second wife because he has done marriage with her with Chunni Pratha . (During old days in villages when husband died then villagers give the choice to lady to marry with own house un married Person).
Please suggest how we do in this case to take my mother and our right. Yours suggestion can reach us in Win Win situation, I am running my life very difficulties because having burden of five members and i am working in private sector and working in other state. Please suggest can i request to Prime Minister Help box. We required Justice .please do needful for me through proper guidance.