Daughter rights on mother and grandmother father property

Hi Lawyer, One of my friend need help. Current Property is in her mother's name. It was transferred from his uncle as he did not have any children. Uncle got his property from his father (i.e her grandfather). Now in case her mother transfer this property to his 2 son's name. Then is it possible for daughter to claim share on her mother's property? As she is unmarried and not depended on anyone but her family. Her dad is no longer alive. Also one other property and shop is already in name of her two brothers which was given by his grandfather without notifying her and his grandfather was not mentally fit. So is girl have rights to get share on his grandfather property which was now in name of his brothers few years ago. The reason for getting her share is that his brother is torchoring her and her mother. And there are chances that they may force her mother to name all property to son's only. Please advice what her rights so she can approach court whenever required and if it possible to get her share . Thanks.